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Reconditioned products in the matter of private copy royalties

Decision No. 22 of 1 June 2021 rendered by the French Private Copying Levy Board and which came into force on 1 July 2021, extended the scope of the private copying levy to include repackaged tablets and mobile phones which are subject to reduced rates.

Elvire Tardivon-Lorizon, Attorney-at-Law and Partner, and Amanda Quenette, Attorney-at-Law and Manager of Grant Thornton Société d’Avocats, have written an article for Option Finance, reviewing the political and legal confusions that have resulted from the Commission's position on the matter. They also warn of the considerable impact this tax will have on the competitiveness of companies in the sector where appeals have recently been filed before the Council of State for abuse of power by the Commission.

You can read the article on the website Option Finance.