Law Sharing of value within companies
Social Alert Law Sharing of value within companies
The recent legislative reform on value sharing marks a turning point for companies, aimed at reconciling work with capital, a sensitive subject in the context of the current social crisis and labour market recession.
Caroline Luche Rocchia
Cécile Didolot
| 4 min read |
Métallurgie : nouvelles dispositions au 1er janvier 2024
Social Alert Metallurgy industry: new provisions from January 2024
Final stage in the implementation of a single national collective agreement for the metallurgy industry
Caroline Luche Rocchia
Stéphaine Petit
| 4 min read |
The Social Security Financing Act for 2023
Social alert The Social Security Financing Act for 2023
What financing act for social security in 2023?
Cécile Didolot
| 1 min read |
The value-sharing or purchasing power premium: a good idea, or just an illusion?
Social alert The value-sharing or purchasing power premium: a good idea, or just an illusion?
Could employees partake in value-sharing in France?
Caroline Luche Rocchia
| 2 min read |
Simplifications for the implementation of profit-sharing and the release of employee savings plans
Social alert Simplifications for the implementation of profit-sharing and the release of employee savings plans
What are the possible savings plans for employees in France?
Caroline Luche Rocchia
| 5 min read |
The monetization of « RTT » days off and the reimbursement of transport costs
Social alert The monetization of « RTT » days off and the reimbursement of transport costs
What help for employee days off and transportation in France?
Caroline Luche Rocchia
| 5 min read |
Cryptocurrencies: the kryptonite of the Labour Code
Social Alert Cryptocurrencies: the kryptonite of the Labour Code
Is it possible today to pay employees in cryptocurrencies and if so, within what legal framework?
3 min read |
The workload of employees on a flat-rate working contract monitored
Social Alert The workload of employees on a flat-rate working contract monitored
The Court of Cassation reminded the obligation to monitor the workload of employees on a flat-rate working contract.
Cécile Didolot
Stéphaine Petit
| 5 min read |
Forfait jours (days worked contract): a case law for the employer
Social Alert Forfait jours (days worked contract): a case law for the employer
Law n°2000-37, the employer may conclude with employees a fixed-rate agreement in days over the complete year.