Tax Policy Management
Tax Policy Management
Growth Management
Growth Management
Tax audit and litigation
Tax audit and litigation

Definition of a strategic and secure transfer pricing structure
Definition of a strategic and secure transfer pricing structure
Assistance in the development of international activities and operational reorganisations – “Business restructuring”
Assistance in the development of international activities and operational reorganisations – “Business restructuring”
Defense of practices and assistance in the context of tax audits and their follow-up from a litigation viewpoint
Defense of practices and assistance in the context of tax audits and their follow-up from a litigation viewpoint
Annual declaration and documentation obligations
Annual declaration and documentation obligations

Domestic and international VAT applicable to your company's flow
Domestic and international VAT applicable to your company's flow
Banking and financial VAT, VAT in the insurance sector
Banking and financial VAT, VAT in the insurance sector
VAT related to real estate registration fees
VAT related to real estate registration fees
VAT in the public and non-profit / association sector
VAT in the public and non-profit / association sector
Tax audit, tax litigation and relations with the Tax authorities
Tax audit, tax litigation and relations with the Tax authorities
Applicable rules for invoicing
Applicable rules for invoicing
Customs issues related to your company's international flows
Customs issues related to your company's international flows
French VAT registration and compliance obligations
French VAT registration and compliance obligations
Payroll tax
Payroll tax
Other indirect taxation
Other indirect taxation

Company transfer diagnosis
Company transfer diagnosis

Distribution strategy : Implementing and structuring
Distribution strategy : Implementing and structuring
Distribution activities digitalisation
Distribution activities digitalisation
Relations between suppliers and distributors
Relations between suppliers and distributors
Contractual policy : etablishing and structuring
Contractual policy : etablishing and structuring
Controls and litigation regarding payment terms
Controls and litigation regarding payment terms
Organising and securing commercial relations with consumers
Organising and securing commercial relations with consumers
Data protection - GDPR
Data protection - GDPR
Commercial Leases
Support in the management and contract management of commercial leases.

Traditional Services offered
Traditional Services offered
Health at work and quality of life at work
Health at work and quality of life at work
HR Management Audit
HR Management Audit
HR Engineering and People Change
Implementing managerial solutions in line with the company's strategic challenges
Management of HR compliance and internal investigations (harassment, discrimination, and whistleblowing)
Management of HR compliance and internal investigations (harassment, discrimination, and whistleblowing)

Advice on legal structuring
Advice on legal structuring
Day to day company management
Day to day company management
Companies reorganisation
Companies reorganisation
Mergers & Acquisitions - Private Equity
Mergers & Acquisitions - Private Equity
Changes in shareholder structure - Securities issue
Changes in shareholder structure - Securities issue
Governance and legal risks management
Governance and legal risks management

Development of an international mobility policy
Development of an international mobility policy
Coordination of reporting obligations for employees in a mobility situation
Coordination of reporting obligations for employees in a mobility situation
Advice on social security
Advice on social security
Assistance in labour law
Assistance in labour law

Management and protection of your portfolio of property rights
We put the most appropriate protection policy in place for our clients’ intellectual property rights.
Securing your projects: advisory and drafting of agreement services
We advise you on the feasibility of your project and the securing of your intellectual property and IT rights.
Enforcement of your rights: pre-litigation and litigation
Enforcement of your rights: detection of infringement, pre-litigation and litigation

While French start-ups have raised €5 bn in 2019 representing an absolute record in the history of the French Tech with 736 fundraising completed over the past year, for several weeks, many start-ups have to face an unprecedented drop in the investment from venture capital funds resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. Some French start-ups are going to face revenue issues as well as funding issues in the coming months.
In response to this economic crisis, the Government has launched a €4bn emergency plan to support the French start-up ecosystem. Overview of the main measures.
This aid package is structured around 4 measures intended to support the cash flow of start-ups. The measures taken are in addition to those already available to all companies and include:
A €80 million package
This package is intended for start-ups that were in a fundraising process or about to start one in the coming weeks or months. It will allow start-ups to finance cash bridges between two fundraising rounds. This financing will take the form of bonds giving possible access to capital and will be intended to be co-financed by private investors and the government's Future Investment Program (PIA).
State-guaranteed treasury loans
The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, had announced on March 16, a new device allowing the State to guarantee for €300bn of loans in order to relieve the treasury of the companies and the professionals who are currently undergoing the shock linked to health emergency. The support plan creates specific loans, backed by a State guarantee of €300bn, that will be distributed to start-ups by private banks and Bpifrance.
The amount of this loan may range, for start-ups, up to twice France 2019 wage bill or, if higher, 25% of annual revenue. The guarantee may cover up to 90% of the loan amount and will be priced at low cost according to the secretary, depending on the maturity of the loan.
Early repayment by the State of corporate tax credits
Start-ups will be able to request the early reimbursement of refundable corporate tax credit in 2020 as well as an accelerated processing of their request for reimbursement of VAT credits by the General Directorate of Public Finance (DGFiP).
The support plan of €4bn also allows Start-ups, as SMEs or young innovative companies (JEI), to request the immediate reimbursement of their research tax credit (CIR) for 2019, without even having to wait for the filing of the 2019 tax report.
Accelerated payment of innovation support grants
Already awarded under the Future Investment Program (PIA) but not yet received by their beneficiaries, PIA innovation aids, like those granted in innovation contests, have their payment accelerated automatically. Operators (Bpifrance and Ademe) will therefore be able to pay in advance the tranches not yet distributed for files already validated, up to 80% of the total aid.
For start-ups that receive aid in the form of a repayable loan or accompanied by royalties, the emergency plan postpones the next repayment deadlines for up to 6 months.
In addition, the State, via Bpifrance, is continuing to support start-ups by providing nearly €1.3bn in innovation aid for this year. Aid which will take the form of grants, repayable advances or loans for example.
Finally, Bpifrance will continue its direct investments in funds alongside private investors.
Author: Marc Huynh, Attorney-at-Law, Corporate/ Mergers and Acquisitions